Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Going to PIQF

Honu is going to PIQF! I'm busy getting his entry ready for Road to California, too. Must send it tomorrow to get there in time for the October 1 deadline.

Here's a new closeup:

Hope he has a good trip!


May Britt said...

This is a very beautiful turtle.Hope he has a safe trip to the quilt festival. How on earth do you manage to do such realistic work. It is fantastic.

Hedgehog said...

What a beauty!!

Beate Knappe said...

congratulations - congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on both of your entries!!! You've been a busy girl while I've been gone!
Love Bruce's quilt!


meggie said...

OMG LURVE that Turtle!!

Anonymous said...

your quilts are GORGEOUS! Congrats on the acceptances. I remember your red w/ pineapples that I saw at PIQF & Road to CA last year (or was it the year before?) Your color palettes are inspirational. I LOVE your quilts & enjoy your blog. :) Thanks for sharing a preview...

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your acceptance. Both of your quilts are excellent and I'm sure people will enjoy looking at them and covering them up with ribbons.

Teri said...

Hi Diana,
Good luck at PIQF! I love your quilt. I didn't have anything this year that I could enter. I just mailed a friends quilt today for the show. She lives in Germany (no tracking) so I mail her quilts to the U.S. shows.
Good lucK to the beautiful turtle!!

catsmum said...

honu is a very handsome turtle indeed... are there any particular archived postings about his genesis?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Can hardly wait to see it in person at Road to Ca!

Anonymous said...

oh, he is stunning, well done